
Prerequisites Essencial: Fundamentos da Programação. Recommended: Lógica para Programação, Introdução aos Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados, Introdução à Arquitectura de Computadores, Programação com Objectos, Sistemas Operativos, Interfaces Pessoa-Máquina Objectives The course introduces students to database design and analysis. The focus is on the relational model, covering the logical design of databases (schema design) and implementation, and transaction processing systems. Aspects of unstructured and semi-structured data management, decision support and data mining systems will also be covered. The objective of this course is to expose the student to the basic concepts involved in designing and building an information system, and to practical information systems applications design through a team-based project. Program Introduction to database management systems Main characteristics of database management systems. The advantages of the database approach. When not to use a database management system. Database systems models. The relational model. Database management systems architecture. Database systems market. The database systems development process. Data modeling The entity-relationship model. Entity sets and association sets. Weak entities. Generalizations. Aggregations. Introduction to the Relational Model. Conversion of Entity-Relationship models into relational models. Database query languages Relational algebra. Relational calculus (may be omitted) Database manipulation language. SQL. Views in SQL. Integrity constraints Entity integrity. Domain integrity. Referential integrity. Integrity in SQL. Main characteristics of database management systems. Database management systems architecture. The database systems development process. Information modelling. The entity-relationship model. The Relational Model. Conversion of Entity-Relationship models into relational models. Database query languages. Relational algebra and calculus. SQL. Integrity constraints. Referential integrity. User constraints. Triggers. Architecture and programming of database applications. Stored procedures. Data normalization. Dependency theory. Normal forms. Relational schema decomposition and normalisation. Indexing structures. B-trees. Hash and Bitmap indexes. Transaction processing. Transaction recovery. Transactions in SQL. Security and Access control of databases. Complex and XML data management. Decision Support Systems. Data warehousing. OLAP. Data mining. Text search and indexing models. Information retrieval systems evaluation. Evaluation Methodology 40% Class Project (P) with two parts (P1, P2) + 60% Final Exam (E) ; Final Grade: 0.2xP1 + 0.2xP2 + 0.6xE Minimum Grade: 9,5 on (P) and 9,5 on (E) Working-Students (must be formally recognised as such): must complete the project but may develop it individually. Cross-Competence Component Soft skills to be acquired while developing the class project in groups of 3. All aspects of Collaboration and Communication Skills (competências interpessoais) will be developed, while Productivity and Stress Management Skills (competências intrapessoais) will also be required. Global Citizenship (cidadania global) issues related to the ethics of handling mission critical and personal data, and protecting privacy will also be discussed while presenting the syllabus topics. The soft skills will be assessed while monitoring students in the lab and grading the two Project reports (one for each part). About 10% of the overall learning effort will be dedicated to the development of Soft Skills. Laboratorial Component Students develop in the Class Project the conceptual model of an information system and an interactive application, while following lab guides with practical examples. Students work in groups of three in designing their solution to the class project. Programming and Computing Component No curso onde esta UC é oferecida estão asseguradas as componentes de Computação e Programação de acordo com o MEPP 2122. More information at:

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